UK based

3D Printing Service

Specialists in SLA & FDM 3D Printing technologies

How To Order

Open Quoting App

Click ‘INSTANT QUOTE’ at the top of any page.

2 - Create Account

If this is your first time using the pricing tool, you are required to create an account. Once you’ve entered your details and clicked “Sign up”, you will automatically move on to step 2.

3 - Prices & Ordering

Select the model you wish to purchase, and then choose the printing technology. SLA resin is expensive but of much higher quality than FDM.

4 - Check Size

Below the preview window, you can see the model dimensions. It shows the length x width x height in millimetres. All files must be in their intended scale.

5 - Select Material & Colour

First, select the material. Always use engineering resin because wax resin is only for metal casting. Then, select the colour.

6 - Choose Quantities & Lead Time

1 working day lead time is 35% more expensive than 3. Click ‘CONFIRM’ after making selections.

7 - Adding file to cart

After clicking “CONFIRM,” you will see the model move out of the Models tab and into the cart. If you wish to add more models to the cart, select the next model in the Models tab and repeat the process.

8 - Repeat with remaining files

After you have moved all the desired models into the cart, then select “ADD ORDER DETAILS”. Now, all that’s left is adding delivery information.

9 - Review Cart

“If you have made a mistake and want to make a change, click ‘Back to Cart’.”

Add contact details

Add your name, email, and telephone number. All of our customers’ details are kept 100% confidential.

Add delivery address & choose postal option

We provide royal mail tracked 24 and special delivery.

10 - Make Payment or submit for review

Click ‘CONFIRM ORDER’ to make payment right away or select ‘SUBMIT FOR REVIEW’ if you would like to discuss the order or check for potential printing problems before making payment.

If there are any issues, we will email you identifying the problem and suggesting a solution. If there are no problems, we will email you back with a payment link within an hour during working hours.

Common File Preparation Problems


If you model is larger than the printers build volume it must be scaled down to fit. The max print size for SLA resin is 156 x 278 x 290mm. The max print size for FDM is 240 x 240 x 240mm

Wall Thickness

We guarantee parts above 0.9mm in thickness. We can print thinner things, but it’s at your own risk. Thin areas of your model that fall below our minimum thickness may not print. The best-case scenario is that the thin areas do print. In some cases, the entire model prints fine except for the thin areas, and in the worst cases, the thin areas fail to print, causing the entire model to fail. We do our best to check every single model for printing; however, sometimes thinner parts may be missed. To ensure your print succeeds, thicken all walls above 0.9mm.

Non-Manifold Geometry

Non-manifold geometry is the most serious file problem. In some cases, it’s minor, and in others, it renders the file completely unprintable. Non-manifold geometries are those that have shared edges, inverted normals, overlapping faces, shared vertices, missing, and zero-thickness surfaces. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that a non-manifold model will print defect-free, if at all. When purchasing, be aware that we cannot be held responsible for any printing problems. A sign that your model is non manifold is if you see missing faces in the preview window and the minimum wall thickness warning triggers as you see above.

File Formats & Data size

The maximum accepted file size is 200 MB per file. STL is the primary 3D printing format; however, our system also accepts OBJ, STP, IGES, and 3MF. If your file is larger than 200 MB, don’t worry! Create a low-resolution version; the cost is the same whether it’s low or high resolution. After completing your order, please email us your high-resolution file via

Single Body Files Only

When uploading files with multiple bodies contained inside, it often prompts the quoting system to fail. In cases where it does give a price, it bypasses our per part pricing parameters which invalidates the cost. Therefore, all files must contain just one body/part.


Spruing complicates FDM and SLA 3D printing greatly. When batching parts together into one model this way, it locks our ability to orient each part independently from one another so some parts would be oriented well where others won’t. Spues themselves obstruct the path for essential printing supports. With this consideration it is not possible to produce good results however hard we try. Finally, it bypasses our per part pricing parameters which invalidates the cost.

If your 3D file doesn’t follow ALL the printing guidelines, the parts might not print properly. We check the files before printing, but our system isn’t perfect. We can’t guarantee on-time delivery for parts that don’t meet the guidelines. If your file doesn’t follow the guidelines we can’t be responsible for any printing problems, so please make sure to follow them carefully.